Tuesday 14 June 2011

Where do you Write?

I mostly write on the floor of my bedroom just outside the door to my bathroom.
Sometimes I write in the bathroom sitting on the toilet seat. It's an odd place to write, I admit, but it's the best spot to get wireless connection. Maybe not so weird now that you know that? Or maybe it kinda is.  Strike the kinda - it's weird.
Sometimes I sit on the staircase. Other times in a poofy beanbag in front of the TV. And sometimes in bed. But the internet connection is really bad there so very rarely. I've even written a post at work in the staff room once. 

Do you always write in the same place or do you move around a lot? Do you also write on your toilet seat, or in the car, or at a desk, or on a train, or in a library, or at the zoo??! 

Crazy or not, I'd like to know...

Where do you write?

Sunday 12 June 2011

The Heart and the Bottle

I recently picked up a book that I knew I just had to have. You know how sometimes you just know it needs to be yours even though you haven't read it yet? Yep, it was like that. And even though I did read the whole book right there in the bookshop, it just confirmed that I had to take it home with me. Sometimes there are purchases that are head buys and sometimes there are purchases that are heart buys. This one was a heart buy.

It's about a little girl (one like any other) whose head was filled with the curiosities of the world. She took delight in finding new things. Her imagination defied reality and her world with full of intrigue and wonderment. One day she found a chair and put her heart in a bottle for safekeeping. And nothing was the same. She forgot about the stars and her wondering and the curiosities of life. Her bottle became heavy but at least her heart was safe. She never noticed these things until she met someone smaller and curious about the world. But she didn't know how to answer her without her heart. So she tried to take her heart out of the bottle. But couldn't. She no longer remembered. If not for someone smaller and still curious about the world.  And the heart was put back where it came from and the chair was no longer empty.

How simply beautiful. I am struck with the fact the childhood is truly magical. So full of wonder, curiosity, joy, intrigue, simplicity and infinite possibilities. Ever stop to consider why children always ask "why?" so often? Because anything could be. There are no hard facts.  Nothing beyond the limits of their imagination.

Have we lost our curiosity? Our wonderment at the world? The sense of the infinite realm of possibilities? Doesn't God say that anything is possible with Him? Have we limited His potential because we have limited our understandings to the fallible physical world around us? The one where we are constantly disappointed. The one where it's hard to see the beautiful things while peering into the harsh light of day. The one where sorrow often outweighs joy. The one where hardship is normal and ease almost completely out of reach. Do we need to take a step back and realize that we've lost something and as hard as we try, we can't get that bottle to open? Maybe we need to humble ourselves and ask someone whose sense of the world is far more expansive and limitless to open it for us. And maybe if we choose that, then our hearts will be put back where they came from and our chair won't be so empty anymore. Only the bottle will.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

For the Hard Times

Sometimes I just forget that I'm not the only person in the world. It's easy to be selfish, block out the world and immerse myself in the ocean of my emotions. Let's face it, being a woman, my emotions are prone to getting carried in and out like the relentless tide. When I'm happy, I want everyone else to be happy too. And on the days when I'm down in the dumps (because on occasion I do visit there) I secretly wish that everyone feels just as miserable as I do. Cause it's just better when you've got someone to be miserable with than being so on your own. If only life were that accommodating! Truth is, here I am in my little bubble of a life, feeling very happy with myself because things are going so swimmingly well. And in spite of that, I'm brought crashing back down to earth with the knowledge that there are people who are currently dwelling in those dumps I mentioned earlier. Whether permanently or not, there daily reality is not as rosy as mine. I get a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach as I let myself feel the emotions if that were me. If it were me. A sneaky and unwelcome feeling of resentment towards another's happiness or their ease. A more long-suffering feeling of a burden being borne that is worthy of being carried alone and without the understanding of anyone else. Whether accurate or not, there is someone who's journey is hard, long, painful and tiring today. Maybe it's yours. Maybe not. But it is someones. And for the times when the day is hard, when the work is difficult, the season is trying, for the hard times and the alone times, I pray God brings you His peace. That His love will wrap you in it's safety and warmth. May He be your refuge and strong tower in your time of trouble.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Let Felicity Fly

because I feel this happy.  And my heart is light and my smile mile-wide.

It's been a long week. It has seemed to drag its feet in an exasperating attempt to make me crazy. But it's almost Friday and I'm hanging out for the weekend. Mostly because I'm jumping on a plane and heading home for the weekend. And it's a long weekend. Even better. I plan to thoroughly enjoy the company of my family and good friends. I'm going to fall for the temptation of home cooking and expertly made coffee and long chats and frequent laughs and good-natured teasing and the most comfortable bed ever! I will savor and relish every moment. That's just so cliche but it's what makes the hard days worth their endurance - gritted teeth and all.  Happy weekending friends!

Updated postscript 15/07/11: Yes, I totally stole my title from Owl City. But I'm sure he won't mind. And did you know that I get the most traffic on the blog to this post alone? Weird, but okay...